AHDA and Partner Organizations Urge the White House Women’s Health Research Initiative to Prioritize Migraine and Other Headache Disorders
In November of 2023, the White House announced the creation of a new White House Women’s Health Research Initiative to identify gaps in women’s health research. We were heartened to see migraine explicitly mentioned in Dr. Jill Biden’s remarks. This is a much needed, exciting opportunity to expand research on migraine and other headache disorders which disproportionately impact women. In response to the creation of this important Initiative, the Alliance for Headache Disorders Advocacy, circulated a letter which was co-signed by nineteen partner organizations to encourage the Initiative to continue to prioritize migraine and other headache disorders in the Initiative’s recommendations.
The letter was co-signed by the American Academy of Neurology, American Migraine Foundation, Association of Migraine Disorders, Chronic Migraine Awareness, Inc., Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome Association, ClusterBusters, Coalition for Headache and Migraine Patients, Danielle Byron Henry Migraine Foundation, Facial Pain Association, Global Healthy Living Foundation, Headache Cooperative of the Northeast (HCNE), Headache Cooperative of the Pacific, Migraine at School, Migraine World Summit, Miles for Migraine, National Headache Foundation, Southern Headache Society, Spinal CSF Leak Foundation, and the U.S. Pain Foundation.
Read the full letter below.